Information, Resources, Navigation, etc.
Needs Assessments
ONLY for Arkansas United Navigators
Non-Profit Referral/Wait List Forms
Google Forms, Online Resources, etc.
Request an Interpreter
Request for Translation and Notary Services
NWTI Virtual English Class
Wait list for creating In-person English classes (where one is not currently available, in a specific town or with a specific employer)
Digital Literacy orientation (in person or group)
Wait list for citizenship class
Wait list for Plaza Comunitaria
Wait list for Spanish DL classes
Join the Alas (Immigrants in Schools) Working Group
Schedule a deeper, in person career counseling appointment: with local Adult Education Center with career coaches, Workforce Centers and Libraries about available jobs and certification/ professional licensure programs
Wait list for community events with ADWS Mobile Unit and the Chamber of Commerce’s Be Pro Be Proud
Appointment with small business navigator
Wait list for ITIN support workshop, LLC workshop or Cooperative technical assistance
Waitlist for AU’s Social Entrepreneur Incubator Program